English Summary

SBBLD / English Summary

After graduating Erasmus University Rotterdam (1995) with a business degree, majoring in marketing, I worked in the financial services (insurance) industry for fifteen years, building a successful and award-winning career. Starting as a trainee at Aegon, my journey took me through product management, channel management and marketing management for companies like ING and Mondial Assistance, before ultimately being director marketing & sales for De Friesland. In the meantime, picking up two post graduate degrees in sales management and brand management as well as four national marketing awards (Effie, Esprix (2), Spin) with my teams. At De Friesland – the leading health insurance company in the northern part of the Netherlands – we established a historical annual growth (+25%) during the liberalization of the Dutch health insurance market

In 2010 I started my own consultancy, specializing in strategy, marketing and customer focus. Since then I’ve been able to help a multitude of organizations, whether that be in a short-term project or multi-year cooperation. With a deeply rooted interest in people and organizations plus a firm believe that everyone has unique capabilities, I always intend and manage to sparkle up teams, management and companies. Sparkle up in such a way that leaves them willing, able, guided, organized and equipped to keep the fire burning themselves and achieve their company goals.

Next to vast experience and knowledge of how to get things done, I also offer a youthful passion, agility and an open mind that’s always willing to learn. When it comes to successful marketing, I’ve come to realize that:

  • Emphasizing the importance of analysis: To find the best possible treatment, you first must make the right diagnosis. Just like you would expect a doctor to do.
  • Understanding that image is determined by corporate behaviour. And often seeing so much existing potential left unused: To win outside, you’ve got to start on the inside.
  • Knowing where you want to be and how you’d like to get there, makes it much easier to organize for success. Therefore: Structure should follow strategy.
  • The best marketing combines a classic approach with modern (technological) possibilities. It’s no use decorating a house if it lacks sound foundation.

More information is available in Dutch on this website and on LinkedIn. References are available upon request. Please contact me if you think I can help. If I can, I’m sure I’d love to do so.